TL;DR - This is a simple React component that allows you to make multiple highlights in a text from user selections.
Working on a side project I wanted a way for users (and me as the current only user) to save words that they don’t know from a text. I found this great example blog that demonstrated one way to do this in React, but it didn’t allow for multiple highlights. So I took the proposed approach, generalized it a bit for multiple highlights, and the added it into my project.
In the same spirit as the original poster, I wanted to share it here in case it’s useful to anyone else.
The idea is simple, and taken from the article linked above:
- Get the text that the user selected
- Wrap the selected text in a span, and apply styles that highlight the text
The approach in the linked article fell short for my application because it assumed that there would only be one highlight. It gets a little bit trickier dynamically adding spans because the selected text offsets for a given selection need to be adjusted for each highlight that came before that selection.
The component is used like this:
import HighlightableText from "./components/HighlightableText";
const dummyText =
"This is a bunch of dummy text to test highlighting! This is a bunch of dummy text to test highlighting. Test text to highlight. This is a bunch of fake test to test highlighting. Test text to highlight. This is a bunch of fake test to test highlighting.";
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<HighlightableText text={dummyText} />
The component itself is a little longer, but it’s available on GitHub wrapped in a barebones Vite project that just loads the component as above, so that you can spin it up, test it out, and start highlighting text.
What’s Next?
It’s still got a problem - I would like to be able to handle the case where a selection is made that overlaps with a previous selection. Right now, it just doesn’t allow it. In my app for now, I just show a toast that says “Overlapping selections are not allowed” - but it would be nice to be able to handle that case.
It would be nice to get it to work on Mobile too - I tried adding the onTouchEnd
event handler and calling the same handler function, and it does
work in general - but it’s not quite right, at least the way I want to use it.
When you select on mobile, you need to hold and select the text, and you can then drag the selection handles to adjust the selection. The problem is that the first word that you touch when you touch to start the selection will also be highlighted. Which actually is ok, but it’s annoying when you want to call a
handler with the word that is selected, you’ll now have two separate
highlights (on from the initial onTouchEnd and one from the second). I guess
adjacent highlights could be merged in the backend…I plan to try some things
and see how it goes!
That’s it!
Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!