Smart Pointer Pointers

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cpp c++ programming

TL;DR - Switch raw heap pointers to unique_ptrs when possible. If your heap allocated resource needs multiple owners, use a shared_ptr instead.

I find myself reviewing C++ smart pointer types over and over again. I guess for me, it’s just been one of those things that doesn’t stick, or perhaps I’ve only needed to use them infrequently enough to forget about them. So, here’s a note to myself, and anyone else dying to read about smart pointers in C++. This is not something that a veteran “hardcore” C++ programmer will gain anything from reading. Though if you’re a a bit of a generalist like I am and you find yourself switching between projects and languages, maybe you’ll find this useful. Honestly, I’m hoping that through writing it up, I’ll never have to look it up again :)

I must say, that all of the information below, including the examples, is summarized from the Microsoft C++ docs, in particular, the section on Smart Pointers, so if you need more detail or examples, please check that out.

Having full control over whether resources are allocated on the stack or heap is a big advantage but also a can be a huge pitfall for programmers writing C++ code. Heap allocated resources need to be explicitly deleted to release the underlying memory, so the programmer needs make sure that happens in the right place, and when it’s appropriate, and also under any failure cases. In modern C++, smart pointers can be used to help avoid any headaches associated with managing raw pointers to heap allocated objects or variables. They basically help make sure that the resource is always deleted / freed and or cleaned up when necessary. They are stack allocated wrappers around the raw pointer to the heap allocated resource in question, and there are a few different types with different use cases.

The available types of smart pointers in the Standard Library are:

  • unique_ptr: allows exactly one owner of the underlying heap allocated resource. The underlying resource is cleaned up when the (stack allocated) unique_ptr goes out of scope.
  • shared_ptr: kind of like unique_ptr but reference counted, so the underlying resource is not cleaned up until all of the references are out of scope.
  • weak_ptr: allows access to resource pointed at by a shared_ptr but doesn’t increase the reference counter, so it won’t cause it to be kept alive if it goes out of scope everywhere else. I’ve never needed to use this one, but it’s good to know about.

The following example from the docs demonstrates the difference between allocating a raw pointer and smart pointer.

void UseRawPointer()
    // Using a raw pointer -- not recommended.
    Song* pSong = new Song(L"Nothing on You", L"Bruno Mars"); 

    // Use pSong...

    // Don't forget to delete!
    delete pSong;   

void UseSmartPointer()
    // Declare a smart pointer on stack and pass it the raw pointer.
    unique_ptr<Song> song2(new Song(L"Nothing on You", L"Bruno Mars"));

    // Use song2...
    wstring s = song2->duration_;

} // song2 is deleted automatically here.

In the UseSmartPointer snippet, the song2 variable is stack allocated and manages access to the heap allocated Song object. In this smart pointer case, when song2 goes out of scope, its destructor handles the clean up of the heap allocated Song object. If we were using a raw pointer, as in the UseRawPointer case, we would be on the hook for managing this cleanup. The unique_ptr is the smart pointer I end up needing most of the time.

Initialization of a shared_ptr can look very similar (note the docs do recommend using make_unique or make_shared for initialization instead when possible) This container holds a reference counter along with the raw pointer to the heap allocated resource. When shared_ptrs that share ownership with an underlying resource go out of scope, the reference count will be decreased. When no other references to the underlaying remain, so the reference count gets to zero, the resource will finally get deleted. So if we switched the unique_ptr for a shared_ptr in the example above, the behavior would be the same. There is only one reference so our heap object gets cleaned up when the smart pointer goes out of scope.

When shared_ptrs are passed to functions or methods, they behave differently depending on whether they are passed by value or reference. This is important to keep in mind! If passed by value, the copy constructor is called and the reference count is increased, so the method or function receiving the shared_ptr is now an owner also. If passed by reference, instead the reference count is not incremented and the “callee” is not an owner. So in this case access to the underlying object is only available when the caller is in scope.

Summary In my experience, when updating or interacting with legacy code, the most common and straightforward switch is using unique_ptrs instead of raw ones, which makes clean up logic super simple. The unique_ptr can only have a single owner, and can’t even be passed by reference in a method or function (this would call the copy constructor, and it cannot be copied). Of course, having one owner of a resource is good practice, so the docs recommend using this option whenever it’s possible. The shared_ptr use cases can be a little more complex, because if a shared_ptr is required, you’ve necessarily decided that multiple components of the system need to own the underlying resource. Essentially asking whether both (or multiple) users of the resource need guaranteed access to it in order to perform their function (eg should they become owners?) helps to determine which smart pointer to choose (and how we should pass it if it’s a shared_ptr).

The docs on these smart pointer types for Visual Studio C++ are extensive and contain a ton of examples. Check them out if you’re ready to dig deeper. Hopefully now that I’ve written this up, I won’t find myself digging through them next time!