
Drawing Cards without Replacement

TL;DR - working out the number of draws it will take to get an Ace if pulling cards randomly without replacing them. Just doing it as “an exercise to the reader” - sparked by some questions that came about in an Advent of Code discord server I’m in. I work out the expected number of draws to the first ‘success’ (drawing an Ace from a deck of cards, for example) from first principles, in a not-necessarily-rigorous-but-good-enough way (mathematicians don’t @ me.
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Podcasts I've been into lately

Here are some podcasts I’ve been into lately and why I like them. Note - I’m not affiliated with any of these podcasts, I’m just a listener. Tech Backend Banter - Lane from boot.dev interviews a variety of other devs (mostly) and talks about their experiences and projects. I particularly like that it’s not only Golang focused. It’s mostly entertainment, but I’ve learned a few things from it. I really enjoyed the episodes with John Crickett about ‘mechanical sympathy’ (and also his coding challenges) and the one with Thomas Ballinger about convex.
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How to Download an Image from a Google Doc

TL;DR: Either “File –> Download” the Google Doc as a web page, or open developer tools and watch for the browser to request the image from Google’s file servers. The deets Here are two simple ways to get an image out of a Google Doc, at least until Google (maybe inevitably?) adds a “right click-> save image as” feature. The first way is pretty straightforward, download the Google Doc containing the image files you would like to extract as a web page (File → Download → Web page (.
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'Chicken' Nugget Hierarchy

This is my (the only?) ranking: Spicy dino-nuggets Spicy nuggets Dino nuggets Nuggets Keep in mind I’ve been a “most of the time non-meat eater” for a few years now, so maybe I’ve got it wrong when talking about the real meat nuggets…For my other veggie friends out there, I’m a fan of Nuggs (if you’re into the substitute thing). They’re the closest I’ve had to real, good old after school freezer nuggs (I’m an adult, I swear, just ask my hairline).
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