Technical Blogs
- FarSounder’s Qinsy Integration
- Update for Argos Forward Looking Sonars (SeaTechnology)
- Argos Integration in Autonomous Systems
- Overcoming Real World Navigation Challenges
- Expedition Sourced Data Collection Program: Progress Update
- A First Look at Expedition Sourced Data
Selected Conference Papers
- Deep Learning in Shallow Water - Link to paper available in the tech blog, or here.
- Applications of Today’s 3D Forward Looking Sonar for Real-time Navigation and Bathymetric Survey
- Performance of 3D Forward Looking Sonar for Bathymetric Survey
Selected Journal Articles
- Fully compositional multi-scale reservoir simulation of various CO2 sequestration mechanisms
- Constant pressure Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations for the prediction of structure I gas hydrate occupancy
- Multiphase equilibrium flash with salt precipitation in systems with multiple salts
- Density and phase equilibrium for ice and structure I hydrates using the Gibbs–Helmholtz constrained equation of state
- Fully compositional and thermal reservoir simulation
Full list available on Google Scholar.